Happy Wednesday! We have a fabulous Kendra Scott daily deal to share with you all. ๐ Today ONLY!! Get a FREE Kendra Scott Delaney necklace {5 color options} with a $100 purchase!!
The best part about this deal is you can get a free necklace for EVERY $100ย (10 limit) that you spend! It’s the perfect time to stock up on a Mother’s Day present, graduation gifts, etc.
Also everything ships for free too which is always fabulous!
This promo is TODAY {5/2} only so don’t wait to check out as the free necklace color options will go fast.
P.S. If your cart is not quite at $100, here are some other lower price items to help get you to your total.
Here are a few photos of the gorgeous colors of the new summer collection!
stock images via kendrascott.com